Friday, November 16, 2007

We arrived in Vienna, Austria, Thusday, 11-8. We had dashed and driven for hours. Why the hurry? Because we were singing for "The Miss Christa Ludwig" at 2:30 p.m. We got to Vienna early, had just enough time to get dressed in our most fabulous apartment (can you tell we were impressed???) and hussled to the Vienna Opera House. She is so gracious! We both had vocal lessons of a life time on Friday! Pictures to come..........The other picture is with a lovely lady from Argentina. I'll enter her name later, I forgot to bring her name to the intenet cafe...oops.. well, she remembers Celeste very, very well. She said that she had Celeste in her home many times. She had a great love for Celesste. Every time I mentioned Celeste's name, she would cry. Like most everyone I know, Celeste is very special....all love her! What a coincidence running into a lady at church just visiting from Argentina who knew my sister on her mission 25 plus years ago!

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